Thursday, January 29, 2009

God still performs miracles!

Sunday I received an extremely depressing call that a friend of ours from church was undergoing double bypass surgery. Rachel is 35 years old. She had her first baby last Monday evening, delivered early at 35 weeks due to pregnancy induced hypertension. They went home on Friday, by Friday evening she was having left arm pain and coughing up blood. She was rushed to the ER and they discovered she had a mild heart attack. She was put in the ICU to be monitored more closely. Her cardiac cath was scheduled for Monday since it was not "life threatening". . . yet. But on Sunday, the cardiac cath/ open heart team was called in early for a patient needing an emergency heart cath. That patient was fine, but since the team was there, they decided to go ahead with Rachel's case. She flat lined on the table in the cath lab (her heart stopped beating, completely). The doctor immediately opened her chest and began internal compressions (cardiac massage) to circulate the blood through her body. For fifteen minutes she received compressions until they could place her on heart lung bypass and do open heart surgery. She came off of bypass sometime close to 3pm. Her heart was beating on its own. Doctors assured her husband that this was one of many hurdles she would have to jump to her road to recovery. The plan was to wake her up slowly over 3 to 5 days. God had other plans. many prayers have been lifted up for the healing of Rachel and the recovery of Rachel. By 330 am Monday morning, she was awake, alert, and extubated. Her husband was able to talk with her and she seemed to remember everything. God still performs miracles. Rachel is a miracle. Just ask the doctors. THANK YOU ALL for your prayers for Rachel. Continue to pray for her healing and for her premature baby, Leah. God is so awesome!

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