Monday, May 25, 2009

Break it down

Galatians 5: 14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

The law. God’s law. Given to Moses. The ten commandments. Look at the last six. Honor your father and mother (Love your neighbor. . . this includes your parents). Do not murder (Love your neighbor as yourself. . . don’t be angry with your neighbor). Do not commit adultery (Love your neighbor. . . don’t lust upon her husband). Do not steal. (Love your neighbor. . . don’t take it because they won’t even miss it). Do not lie (Love your neighbor. . . don’t make up something). Do not covet (Love your neighbor. . . don’t keep up with the Jones’ . . .or the Goggins’ or whoever your neighbor might be!). The last six commandments are about our neighbors, our fellow man.

How can we love our neighbor as ourself if we are angry, lying, lustful thieves that don’t care what our parents say and want what everyone else has and can’t be content with our own lives? Yea, I stink at these, too. I’ll just address a couple of them (we could be here for hours if I talked about them all). . .

I have questions about the honor your father and mother. Who are my father and mother? Biologically speaking or figuratively? I do not dishonor anyone, but I don’t exactly acknowledge the honor thing. . . I’ll have to look into this. . .

I get angry. I get really angry. I have real anger issues. (I saw a shrink when I was younger, she said it was good to be angry and to express my anger, because if I held it in it would lead to depression. . . another story for another day. . . ). So, how do I deal with my anger? I pray. It is so hard to do when I am frustrated, but I am overcome with convictions from being angry. I don’t want to be angry. I don’t want to get angry. I don’t like being angry. I am mean when I am angry, but I’m working on it.

Galatians 5: 15If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.

Sometimes, it is so easy to point out our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ’s faults. It is so appealing to point out someone else’s faults (especially since we ARE all Christians and we should be held accountable). But are we holding each other accountable or are we tearing apart the kingdom of Christ. Are they really faults or do we just consider them faults because it isn’t in OUR plan? If I am a follower and proclaimer of Jesus Christ and YOU are a follower and proclaimer of Jesus Christ, then why do we point out each other’s apparent wrong doings (?SIN?) to other believers? Shouldn’t we be working together?

If God calls you to a ministry, who am I to judge if that is the right ministry for you? If you feel God leading you to make a decision, who am I to question that decision? Just because it is not the decision that I would make, does that mean you are wrong for making that decision?

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