Friday, September 25, 2009

And just when I thought

Well, I thought the most important prayer worthy news of the day would be that the buyer backed out on buying our house. Boy was I wrong! I found out that a dear friend of mine's husband (who is also very dear to me) had surgery today. Please pray for Rick. Alice and Rick mean so much to me and to my family. I cannot begin to tell you how grateful I am that God has allowed our lives to intermingle.

Then, I come home and through another blog, I learn about a woman, diagnosed with breast cancer, a new mother (just came home from the hospital with her baby girl), passed away. Please say a prayer for this family. I cannot imagine what this family is going through and what this baby girl's life will be like without her mother. Oh, how I love my children. Please, LORD, never let me take it for granted. . . Please let me be your instrument to teach my children about you. Please allow me to see my children accept YOU and to follow YOU. Give them a heart to know you, LORD.

It's amazing how God has humbled me through this day. I am so caught up with ME that I forget that it's not about ME. It's about Him. I am sorry. I am sorry to my wonderful Savior that loves me despite my faults. I am sorry to my friends that need my prayers more than me. I am sorry that there are so many families suffering and in pain while I am concerned about selling my house. I cannot imagine how any of you still want to befriend me after seeing this selfishness in me. To those of you that have needed me-- I am here, and I am sorry. . .

1 comment:

Healthtec Software said...

There are many people sick and ailing around us and we got to sometimes forget ourselves and stop being consumed and start thinking about them and praying fore their better health.Electronic Medical Records